Cédric Villani

What's so sexy about math? | Cédric Villani

Spider-Man (Cédric Villani) - Numberphile

The Fields Medal (with Cédric Villani) - Numberphile

Cédric Villani, invité de la conférence de rentrée de Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA

Birth of a Theorem - with Cédric Villani

Fields Medal winner Cedric Villani explains the many mysteries of Pi • RFI English

Huawei: The Explorers: Inside the mind of award winning mathematician Cedric Villani

Cédric Villani I Les Grandes Conferences Liegeoises I Avril 2024

The Mathematician's Office - Numberphile

Let yourself flow through the equations says mathematician Cedric Villani - Newsnight

New Frontiers in Mathematics: Professor Cédric Villani, “Optimal Transport Theory”

Q&A - Birth of a Theorem - with Cédric Villani

Meet Cédric Villani, the French mathematician defying Emmanuel Macron | FT

Birth of an Idea - Cedric Villani

Cédric Villani - Of triangles, gases, prices and men

'Tout est mathématique', conférence Honoris Causa de Cédric Villani à HEC Paris

Work to live, live to work ? By professor Cédric Villani | iMagination Week

Le mathématicien Cédric Villani connait-il bien ses tables de multiplications ?

Cédric Villani - On n'est pas couché 24 mars 2018 #ONPC

Hamilton Day 2014: Cedric Villani Interview: Do you need a special mindset for mathematics

[Cédric Villani] Les Rêveurs Lunaires

'Les prodigieux théorèmes de Monsieur Nash' par Cédric Villani

The Problem isn't Technology, it's People | Cédric Villani | Google Zeitgeist

Birth of a Theorem Mathematical Adventure | Cédric Villani| Talks at Google